About Kate

I started meditating in 1994, and immediately benefitted from the healing and regulating effects of training my mind. I have had a daily practice since then, and have attended six weeks of retreat every year. I now co-lead meditation retreats. I was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2010.
After living in a retreat centre in Bodh Gaya, India, for 3 months in 2006, I realised that what I wanted to do with my life was to teach Mindfulness meditation. On my return to Brighton, I started studying Mindfulness-Based Approaches at Bangor University, and teaching Mindfulness at the Brighton Buddhist Centre with Karunavira, a meditation teacher.
In 2007 we co-taught a 6-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course for 15-year-olds in a comprehensive school. Since then I have taught Mindfulness in the community both on my own and with colleagues Karunavira, (KV), Taravajra and Nick Diggins of Mindful Health, and Carolyn Cheasman at the City Lit, London. I also continue to teach at the Brighton Buddhist Centre. I have taught in schools as part of the MYRIAD research trial, and have also taught in research trials at Sussex University and with the HEEKSS project, as part of Sussex Mindfulness Centre, providing the MBCT-L curriculum to NHS staff.
I spent 4 years studying Mindfulness-Based Approaches at Bangor University and received a Merit in the Postgraduate Diploma in 2012, and a Certificate of Competence in Teaching Mindfulness. In 2014 I trained with the Mindfulness in Schools project and am qualified to teach Mindfulness to secondary school pupils and staff, both the .b and .b Foundations curricula. I adhere to the Good Practice Guidelines and am on the UK Listing of Mindfulness teachers. I am also a trained Mindfulness supervisor, working both privately and with the Mindfulness Network. I have regular supervision from Sarah Silverton.
I have taught Mindfulness to the general public, carers, school children, teachers, psychologists, NHS staff, workers in Adult Health and Social Care, Speech and Language Therapists, adults who stammer, and adults with acquired brain injury. I teach Mindfulness and Buddhist meditation at the Brighton Buddhist Centre, and Evolution Arts and Health Centre, and am also a Speech and Language Therapist.